Plastics Reconstruction Surgery

Plastic surgery for the reconstruction of skin, muscle, fat, nerve, arteries, ligaments and bone including microsurgical techniques.

Plastics Reconstruction Surgery

– Plastic surgery for the reconstruction of skin, muscle, fat, nerve, arteries, ligaments and bone including microsurgical techniques.

A very specialized area of surgery that overcomes defects and inadequacies of tissues with replacement of like for like, in order to achieve functional and aesthetic outcomes. Techniques range from simple grafting of skin or fat, to the very complex microsurgical tissue transfer including skin, fat, muscle, bone and even composite flaps like toe transfers etc. This kind of surgery requires tertiary training and experience, and forms the 3rd ‘pillar’ of advanced hand surgery, expanding the surgical options available beyond orthopaedic surgery, through the use of microsurgical reconstruction. Examples include toe/toe tissue transfer, skin & fat free flaps for scar reconstruction, bone and/or periosteal flaps for recalcitrant non-union cases, and flow through flaps for revascularisation procedures.

2 finger skin and pulp loss injury: resurfaced with synthetic tissue matrix

2 finger skin and pulp loss injury: – Resurfaced with synthetic biodegradable tissue matrix

Patient Reviews

The surgery has healed really well with almost no visible scarring. I am regaining range of movement and strength through hand therapy.

Best of all I can do every day tasks without fear of excruciating pain. Mr Goon was really approachable throughout. He offered choices (some of which not all surgeons perform) with clearly explained benefits & risks, and he skilfully performed challenging surgery. I feel very lucky to have been under his care, and am thankful to him and all the team.


Book an appointment with Mr Goon

If you are suffering from a hand or wrist problem, please use the form to contact us and arrange an appointment with Mr Goon.

Alternatively you can call us on: 01707 443 444 or email us at:

Mr Patrick Goon Specialist Hand & Wrist Surgeon in Hertfordshire